As everyone knows Pakistan is a developing country. And one of the best economic development made is the China Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC). The China Pakistan economic corridor is collection of projects currently under construction at a huge cost price of $46 billion dollars. The (CPEC) are planned to upgrade and expand Pakistan infrastructure. The Exim bank of china will lend about $11 billion to overhaul the country's transportation infrastructure. These projects will span the breadth and width of Pakistan,and will eventually link the Pakistani city of gwadar port in South Western to China's north western region of Xinjang via a vast network of highway and railways. As a part of the project, an 1100 km long motorway will be constructed between the cities of Karachi and Lahore. Which will be connected to the already completed M2 motorway which runs between Lahore and Islamabad. The Karakorum highway between Rawalpindi and the Chinese border will also be completely widened. The Karachi-Peshawar main railway line will also be completely overhauled allow train travel up to 160 km per hour, with expected completion by December 2019. Pakistan's railway network will also eventually be further developed in order to connect it to the Chinese railway network in kashgar. A network of pipelines to transport liquefied natural gas and oil will also be laid as part of the project, including a $2.5 billion pipeline linking the cities of Karachi to Lahore which is to be built with Russian collaboration. An additional estimated $30 billion worth of energy infrastructure will also be constructed by private firms in order to help alleviate Pakistan's chronic energy shortages, with over 10,400 MW of energy generating capacity to be developed by March 2018 as part of the corridor's fast - tracked "Early Harvest" projects.

The economic corridor considered central to China - Pakistan relations;it's inclusion of the projects as part of its 13th five year development plan. The corridor is an extension of China's proposed 21st century silk road initiative, and encompasses not on economic development, but also intelligence sharing between the countries. In reference to this project, the Asian development bank started "CPEC" will connect economic agents along a defined geography. This project will change the world of economy. Pakistan would be getting huge amount of profits as billions are invested on these projects but trillions are gonna be profitable. Work over these projects have been started and huge donations are being collected. Due to these projects China's trade will increase and many countries would be in loss like Dubai India and America. America's economy is one the greatest but due to these projects and Pakistan? Yes Pakistan's economy will also be in great profit and over all the country would be developed. Pakistan would be given a new name on the world a developing country into a developed country and the pron elms going on in Pakistan right now like electricity crisis and gas crisis and oil crisis these crisis would be vanished due to these projects and trades

Being a Pakistani it is one of the most proud feeling I could ever have, as CPEC is bringing too many success. This post explains how useful it is becoming for us!